Welcome to 2020 and a new decade. On New Year’s the clock struck midnight and then all of the news feeds and information about New Year’s resolutions started coming in. Information about diets of all varieties, organizing your home, organizing your life, exercise and on and on the lists goes. All these articles about possible New Year’s resolutions just reminded me how I’m lacking in taking care of myself and other areas in my life. Yes, I should eat better. Yes, my apartment is overflowing with stuff and needs to be reorganized. Yes, I need to start exercising more.
I was with a friend the other night at a gas station in New Jersey, which is one of the states that says you need to have an attendant pump your gas. My friend engaged the attendant in a conversation. He told her about his New Year's resolution to stop smoking. He then commented that he was done with that resolution and has started smoking again. It was only 12 days into the New Year.
Ok, so resolutions are hard to keep. I think we all know this. That being said, I would like to challenge all of us to instead focus on gratitude. I once heard a person refer to gratitude as "the bacon of life". He spoke about how “bacon makes everything better, even Brussel Sprouts”. So, I am grateful that I can afford food to which sometimes I don't make the best choices. I am grateful for my apartment that gets too full of stuff. I'm grateful that I can afford stuff to clutter my apartment. Let's take a moment to be grateful for the things in our life in an effort to balance those things that we need to work on.